GreyWoods' Blog

Choose Your Villa Location

2022-05-04 16:53
If you are planning to build a villa in Bali, you have many questions to ask. One of them is about the perfect location for your future investment. 
While we are not here to tell you which region is better, Ubud, Uluwatu or maybe Canggu, we would like to tackle another important issue - land zoning.

What is Land Zoning in Bali?

Land zoning is a detailed plan of the island stating which parts of it can be used for different purposes. Land zoning protects some of the areas to stay green forever or be protected as heritage land. So which types of zoning does Bali have?

There are 12 types of land zoning but 4 of them are the ones that can interest you the most. Those are:

  1. Government-owned lands,
  2. Residential zones,
  3. Commercial & tourism zones,
  4. Agricultural (green) zones.

While you can build your villa in the residential zone, you cannot do it in the green zone that is made for agriculture. While leasing a land please make sure that your zone is clearly defined and you have full rights to build your dream home.

Can I change the zone of the land?

Let’s say you’ve already found a perfect spot for your future villa. Unfortunately, land zoning does not allow you to build. What then? Can you still do it? In most cases, the answer is: yes. There are still some exceptions though. If your land is a so-called protected 'green belt', or if it’s located close to a temple, changing the land use from agricultural to residential is far from being possible.

Who is responsible for re-zoning the land?

For Bali, land zoning is managed by the Dinas Tata Ruang dan Perumahan (Department of Spatial Planning and Housing). There is also another important office responsible for building permits and licenses (so called IMBs). Both departments are located in the same building at Graha Sewaka Lumintang in Denpasar. You can also check their website at

I still have some zoning questions. What should I do?

If case of more technical questions experts from Greywoods are happy to help. Send us an
email to or contact us by phone or via WhatsApp: +62 821 4523 4102