GreyWoods is a company specializing in development of architecture and design from zero to turning the key in your property. The main goal of villa architecture design is to combine functionality and style to harmonize the human environment and create the perfect space for renting or living. The means and methods of achieving this goal vary depending on conditions and requirements of each unique project. If you are experiencing difficulties in understanding what villa architecture you want for your future place, our experienced and talented architects are ready to discuss possible options and give you ideas based on your wishes.

BALI Architecture

We provide end-to-end design services exterior, interior and landscape design

We provide end-to-end design services exterior, interior and landscape design
We provide end-to-end design services exterior, interior and landscape design

Our advantages

Our firm is providing all spectrum of services connected with architecture in Bali. We collaborate with architectural professionals and designers, allowing us to
We are a dynamic company that represents a professional approach, and is willing to reach the main goal of our client and his project. Considering the customer’s needs and aspirations helps us to maintain connection and satisfy individual requests. So your property will have an

optimize time and budgets

and give value.
which is developed specially for you and you can be sure that there’s no “copy” of your villa in Bali. Our architect designers don’t use images from social networks, they make all the drawings relying on ideas after thorough and detailed discussion with you. This is important as it helps to avoid misunderstanding and have

exclusive design

and imagination. Whatever challenging designs our customers are craving, from modern minimalism to lush bohemian styles, we are ready to perform on the highest level.

no limits in creativity

optimize time
and budgets
no limits
in creativity
We consider that interior design is the art of creating aesthetic space and a pleasant environment for good living. It includes development, rational space planning, logical system programming and matching style choice. Our team of designers will combine functionality and décor to perform your ideas.
Outdoor areas are no less important in villa planning than interior design. Beautiful landscape design decorated with tropical trees, plants and flowers helps to create a special atmosphere highlighting the chosen style of your property.
Architectural design services cover all concepts of the design and construction process from start to finish. Throughout the whole working time architects guide you and ensure the project runs in the right way. They help you make the best decisions and communicate with other building professionals. During construction they control that your project represents the design intent of the drawings and check that building goes according to accepted standards.

Architectural design

Our architects use modern technologies in architecture to make your living safe and to protect the environment from the negative impacts while building.
BIM (Building Information Modeling) and Sustainability are the main methods helping in achieving optimisation on all the levels of design, construction and maintenance of your property.


Building Information Modeling is a smart 3D model-based process offering professionals in the architecture, engineering, and construction areas the instruments and comprehension to plan, design, construct, as well as administer buildings and infrastructure more effectively. BIM architecture reduces such resources as price and time and in the meanwhile affects positively the project quality. It supports architects throughout the design process and helps to gain more insights at the early stages of the process to meet clients’ expectations and represent projects with better quality and efficiency. BIM architectural services are represented through visualization, coordination, cooperation and analysis instruments. It helps to simplify the whole process and avoid mistakes in planning.
VID (virtual design and construction) is the next stage of BIM information modeling technology, which includes digital management at all stages of the project. BIM and VDC are the key to effective communication between participants, which guarantees the implementation of projects at a high level. VDC integrates people, systems, models, and the construction process into a coherent and orderly process. The BIM model is the primary source of information and is the starting point of effective cooperation between all parties involved in the project. VDC is a process in which design engineers and builders jointly simulate the construction of an object. Collaboration allows all interested parties to interact much more effectively: from budget planning to material supply to obtain the optimal solution.
VDC planning allows you to:
  • avoid incorrect architectural/engineering solutions
  • reduce the risks of failure to meet deadlines
  • to level the inconsistency of communications between the participants
  • optimize logistics
  • reduce the influence of the human factor
  • minimize the influence of external factors
  • provide for the influence of hidden factors.


Sustainability is a well-spread term which is understood as philosophy of not harming nature and the environment. Sustainable design or environmentally conscious design in building is a set of methods leading to creating physical objects which are causing minimal negative impact on the environment. This is achieved by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, space for development and the ecosystem as a whole.

What is meant by the term “sustainable design”?

According to statistics about 80% of the ecological impacts of a product are locked in at the design phase. Designers and architects are inevitably responsible for the environmental and social influence that their creations bring in the world. Thus, sustainability is an important and inseparable part of a modern design concept.

Is sustainability a design concept?

In the world of architecture, sustainability implies reducing the environmental influence of buildings by applying energy efficiency, using sustainable construction materials and introducing the right waste management. The main idea is to decrease the risk of damaging effects in the long run.

What is sustainable design in architecture?

A sustainable building is a house that has the least possible negative impact on nature. This includes energy efficiency, lowering poisonous toxins, and using materials and resources in a conscious way causing positive physical and mental impact on people.
Not only what we build matters, but also the way we build it. Building with sustainability should become typical for a house in the modern world. This style of building helps to save money in future, and also reduces environmental damage caused by humans. Here are some examples of sustainable design:
  • Environmentally-friendly building materials – architects tend to use renewable materials or those which are more specific for a certain area, like locally-obtained wood and stone.
  • Energy and resource efficiency – usage of energy sources such as wind, geothermal and solar. A building can take benefits from weather or season, using the change of the sun position or using special window glazing to reduce heat loss or control the indoor humidity level.
  • Efficient use of space – it means right planning of space inside the house, like a logical ventilation system, temperature control or using harmless materials which don’t emit dangerous toxins. It all contributes to the physical and mental health of an individual.

What do sustainable designers do?

Sustainable designers plan and create eco buildings trying to protect our planet. They develop schemes to reduce the usage of natural resources, energy, water, and materials. Such designers will suggest customers appropriate techniques of making the building energy-efficient depending on their requirements. These specialists use effective resources to minimize the budget without affecting the quality of the property.
Is sustainability
a design concept?

What are examples
of sustainable design?

from conception to completion
and Initial Data Studies, Site Analysis
Conceptual Design
and Alternative Diagrams
  • review the development program
  • collecting initial data
  • checking client’s vision and approach to design concept architecture
  • visiting the project’s land and plan site architecture
  • analyzing opportunities and limitations
  • making client’s questionnaire.
  • forming architecture concept our team acquaints you with program studies
  • zoning review and 3D model architecture massing
  • creating mood boards which are essential for the architecture and interior design
  • providing budget analysis
Schematic Design
  • preliminary site plan and landscape design preliminary floor, section and facade plans
  • initial architecture and interior design 3D renders
  • approximate cost of the project
Design Development
  • detailed character and landscape features
  • detailed floor and celling plans
  • finishing architectural sketching and drawings of sections and facades
  • discussing the list of materials, furniture and equipment
  • technical (MEP) drawings and specs
  • reviewing cost estimate.
Working Drawings
  • construction details
  • facade details
  • MEP details
  • selection of finishing fixtures and appliance
  • selection of hardware, lighting and accessories
  • completion of cabinet and build-ins design
Contraction Bidding
  • appling of building permit
  • work with fabrication
Construction Administration
  • organizing site meeting
  • authorial supervision
  • providing additional architecture plan drawings and 3D building design
Final Acceptance
  • client’s acceptance
  • establishment of maintenance guidelines


get inspired
Land area — 320 m2
Villa area — 95 m2




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